Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Bucket List

Hi All.
And by all I mean myself. The maker and sole reader of this blog. Sort of like a personal online journal to record what I've been thinking about lately. Which, right now, happens to be the concept of "The Bucket List." Don't get me wrong, I am all for a list of goals to work for in life before you kick the ol' bucket. But I've been training for a marathon lately, and have told about a million people that \ that it is on my bucket list. Which got me thinking... I have never actually written out a bucket list. So now that you are all caught up to speed with my brain, I'm going to start my own personal Bucket List, right here, right now, for my first blog entry.

1. Do a study abroad or a humanitarian trip somewhere in the world that I have never been
2. Run a marathon
3. Write a book (I know, I know. Don't knock it, it's recorded on my bucket list. That means it's a real goal.)
4. Go Sky Diving

How measely is that? 4 things on my bucket list so far my friends. Stay posted for more.

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